Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag

As the summer heat really kicks in, kids often need a fun way to cool off!  From preschool to high school, there are not many kids that don't enjoy eating ice cream....and for some reason, we find it tastes so much better when you make it yourself!

·         Quart Ziplock
·         Gallon Ziplock
·         Ice
·         Rock Salt
·         ½ cup milk
·         1 Tbs Sugar
Vanilla (2-3 drops) 

How to make it:
  1. Fill the large bag half full of ice, and add the rock salt. Seal the bag.
  2. Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag, and seal it.
  3. Place the small bag inside the large one, and seal it again carefully.
  4. Shake until the mixture is ice cream, which takes about 5 minutes.
  5. Wipe off the top of the small bag, then open it carefully. Enjoy!

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