News from the American Academy of Pediatrics
It's not complicated: being active is what kids are born to do. The problem is all the distractions of modern life that get in the way. But all it takes is an hour of daily movement-on the floor, in the yard, or at the playground- to raise a healthier family. "From the start, a new mom can take her baby for a walk everyday, which makes moving around a regular routine," explains Charles Cappetta, M.D., a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness. The table below provides more easy, age-appropriate ways to get that little heart pumping!
Let your baby roll around, crawl after toys and bang on pots and
Playing on her belly strengthens the upper body. Crawlers and cruisers build their large
muscle groups.
Kicking a ball outside is super exercise. Head for the playground slide for
step-climbing action.
Getting sweaty and short of breath is fine for nearly every kid-and
the key to heart health.
Some structured sports can begin now, but it’s also fine to just
play; jump rope, hopscotch, ride trikes and dig in the sand!
Full-body movement not only builds stronger kids, it improves memory
and improves self-esteem.
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