There are dozens of studies highlighting the benefits of involving your children with gardening. From an increased willingness to try new foods, to discovering the rewards of delayed gratification, there are a number of reasons to get your kids planting! However, if you are intimidated by vegetables, or limited in space, try one of these fun grass projects. With some simple supplies, you can create a fast-growing, nearly fool-proof, and most of all fun, growing opportunity for your family!
1. Grass Heads
Materials: Clear Cup, Potting soil, Grass Seed, Paper/Glue for facest
1. Have your child help you fill your cup approximately 3/4 full with soil.
2. Sprinkle top surface with grass seeds and cover with a light layer of dirt and water.
3. Dry the outside of your cup and use colored paper, permanent markers or other craft supplies to create a face.
4. Water when dirt appears and feels dry. Do not over water.
5. As your "hair" grows, have fun snipping and styling.
2. A Very Hairy Caterpillar
Materials: Knee-high nylon stocking, colorful pony tail holders, small cup, potting soil, grass seed, craft supplies for face, etc
1. Combine potting soil and grass seed in a small bowl
2. Cut the bottom of the paper cup and stick into the opening of the nylon (like a funnel).
3. Pour or spoon some dirt into the stocking and then secure with a colorful pony tail holder. Add more dirt and secure with another pony tail holder. Repeat this process until you have made 5 segments. Knot the end of the stocking and cut any remaining.
4. Submerge your caterpillar in water and then let it sit in a plastic bag overnight.
5. Use google eyese, pipe cleaners and various craft supplies to decorate your creature
6. Set your caterpillar on a plate in a sunny window and water every other day. He should begin sprouting hair in 4-5 days.
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