Good fathering is hard work, but the most important
kind of work men can do. The consistent and
frequent presence of a father makes a powerful
difference in the development and socialization of a
child. Be prepared, Dad, because your stamina will be
tested. Your child seems to have boundless
energy—physically, intellectually, socially—and
you'll be challenged to keep up. It's an important
time for you to establish a healthy pattern of
involvement in your child's life. When you are involved with your son or daughter, you
send a clear message to your child: I want to be
your father. I am interested in you. I enjoy being
with you. You and I have a relationship that is
important to me.
Benefits of Dad Involvement
Children who grow up with fathers who stay involved in their lives enjoy all kinds of benefits:- better school performance
- less trouble with the law
- better jobs and careers
- better relationships with others
- higher self-esteem
Dads and Play
Fathers play differently with children, using more physical and vigorous play activities. Fathers use more physical contact and spend a larger proportion of time playing (40 percent vs. 25 percent for mothers). Mothers almost automatically join at the child's level of play, often allowing the child to direct the play activity. In contrast, fathers are more likely to position themselves as the leader. Fathers encourage teamwork and stimulate children to experiment with new games, to learn new skills, to compete, and to push the limits of their knowledge and abilities. Children need both types of play interaction: a chance to direct and the opportunity to be challenged.So Happy Father's Day to all those amazing fathers out there...and remember just how important you are in the life of your child!
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