Monday, July 1, 2013

Help Your Family Beat the Summer Heat

The summertime can be some of the best times of a child’s life. School is out of session, there are vacations, activities and day trips to give kids enough memories to last a lifetime. But summer can also be a dangerous time for children as well. When the temperatures get hot, it can bring about things like dehydration, sunburn and even sun stroke. The tips below can help you and your family stay safe and avoid the hidden dangers of summer.


  • Hydration is important in warm weather, especially in children. Make sure that your children are properly hydrated with water or sports drinks. Caffeinated beverages can have a dehydrating effect. Products like Pedialyte can be used to quickly rehydrate children.
  • If you keep your windows open during the summer, be sure to install window guards to prevent the possibility of a child falling. Most are easy to install. Choose window guards with quick release buttons for emergencies. Don’t count on screens to prevent falls.
  • Avoid the harmful effects of the sun’s rays by using sun screen. Check the label of your sunscreen. It should protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Don’t skip the sunscreen on cloudy days. Apply insect repellents after sunscreen for optimal results from both.
  • Never leave children in cars unattended. The temperature in the cabin of a sitting vehicle can rise quickly. Children are especially prone to overheating. Remove them from the vehicle before worrying about groceries or packages.
  • In the height of the summer heat, avoid planning strenuous or outdoor activities for midday. Instead, plan those activities for before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m.
  • Sunscreen may not be enough protection for your child. Consider dressing your children in hats and sunglasses before exposing them to prolonged sunlight. The eyes are just as susceptible to the sun’s rays as the skin.
  • To help avoid bug problems, refrain from using heavily scented soaps, shampoos or other beauty products on your kids, which attract pests. Bright colors and flowered print clothing may also attract insects.

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