Thursday, July 17, 2014

Quiz: What's Your Discipline Style?

We all know that proper discipline is very important in a child's upbringing.  But what amount is best, and what kind?  Take a fun and helpful quiz at to learn more.

Here are a few helpful pointers for encouraging better behavior in your kids:

·         Let them help. Little kids are more likely to be cooperative when they feel as if they're part of the game. If your toddler is underfoot while you're preparing dinner, have him fold some napkins and place them on the table.

·         Foster empathy. A child who understands that others have feelings similar to his own will learn to treat people the way he wants to be treated. If a sibling has a cold, you could say, "Emily feels bad because she has a cold. What can we do to make her feel better?"

·         Be kind. Kids copy everything you do, and they want to be just like you. Small acts of kindness -- an extra smile for the mailman, or holding the door for someone -- will inspire your child to do the same.

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