Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bubble Snake Fun!

As the weather starts to warm, kids are eager to get outside and many parents begin searching for simple, creative ways to keep kids engaged.  BHF staff recently found "Bubble Snakes" on-line and have been amazed that with 2 household supplies, and about 1 minute of construction, you can create a toy that literally sparks hours of fun.

  • Empty water bottle
  • Sock or washcloth
  • Bubble solution: Dish soap and water
1. Cut the bottom off an empty plastic water bottle
2. Cover the bottom with a washcloth or sock and secure with a rubber band
3. Combine water and dish soap (we did 1/2 cup to 2 Tbs)
4. Dip the bottom of the bottle into the soap solution, blow into the bottle and enjoy!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Great Resources to "Parenting Wisdom"

Building Healthy Families is proud to offer six evidence-based parent education curricula. Making Parenting a Pleasure and Parenting Now! have quickly become two of our favorite due to the focus on positive intervention strategies and parent self care. If a six-week series isn't fitting into your current schedule, we urge you to check out the link below, offering access to hundreds of articles, quick tips and resources to many of the challenges facing families with children from birth to 18.

Happy reading and feel free to contact the staff or comment below with any additional comments you have or resources you would like to receive!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Food For Thought.....

In the age of Social Media, it is hard not to get bogged down by what "other" moms are doing and how "perfect" other families seem. This thoughtful, well-written piece from is a wonderful reminder of what our children really need.

"There’s this crazy phenomenon going on right now. Good, devoted mothers get on Pinterest . . . and blogs . . . and Facebook . . . and Twitter . . . and then they flip through parenting magazines and TV channels (full of advertisements and media hype) . . . and they’re convinced they’re not enough.

They’re convinced that everyone else has magnetic, alphabetized spice containers,and unless their garden parties are thematically accessorized with butterfly lanterns, and they’re wearing the latest fashions (in a size two, of course), there’s no point in even showing up for the day.

Last Saturday, this happened to me.

I came home from a lovely day out with my extended family and had serious intentions to spend the evening dyeing Easter eggs and making bunny buns.
By the time I got everyone settled and fed, however, I was so tired that I just laid on the couch and dozed while my children played and got themselves to bed.

Around 8:30, when I finally had the energy to sit up, I decided to try out Pinterest for a few minutes until my husband got home. There it was–1,000 reasons why I’m failing at all things domestic.

I don’t make grilled cheese sandwiches look like ice cream.

I don’t even have seasonal throw pillows on my couches or live plants anywhere in the house.

Is it really so hard? Can’t I pull myself together and wrap some candles in green foliage and bring happiness to our decor with bright fabrics and hand-crafted photo frames? As I was trying to calm my frenzied state of mind, my husband came home and held me tight. We talked about our day, and he told me how much he loves me and that he wants our boys to marry someone like me. I fell asleep snuggled under his arm.

The following morning, our children enthusiastically bounded into our bedroom and tucked themselves into our covers. My four-year-old gave me an arm massage, and we all sat there together–joking, laughing, planning the day ahead, and enjoying that special feeling of family. Reflecting on the discouragement I’d felt the night before, I realized that my family doesn’t care about what I see on Pinterest. They care about me.

My daughter Grace loves me to sing “Baby Mine” to her each night before bed. When I go to our Power of Moms Retreats, she misses that special ritual. We have recordings of Michael Crawford and Allison Krauss singing their versions, but Grace doesn’t want those. She wants me. So I recorded myself singing “Baby Mine” and emailed the audio file to her and to my husband so Grace can hear “her song” before she sleeps. As far as she’s concerned, my untrained voice belongs at the top of the charts.

My daughter Grace is my “snuggliest” child. Back tickles and “Baby Mine” each night are how I show that I love her.

A few months ago, I was practicing sideways dutch braids on my two daughters. They had found these great “how-to” videos online, and we set up our comb, brush, and hair bands in front of the computer so I could become an expert. Half-way through the braid, my fingers got all tangled up, the hair was too loose, and one of my daughters had been sitting with her head to the side for several minutes.

Feeling extremely frustrated, I said, “That little girl in the video is so lucky to have a mom who knows how to do hair.”

My daughter stopped me in my tracks when she responded, “But I have a mom who is trying.”

My mom is in her 70s, and her memory is starting to go. Her sweetness and love are as strong as ever, but when we talk on the phone, she can’t remember the last time we spoke or the last time we saw each other.

At the end of one phone call a few weeks ago, I whispered, “I miss you, Mom.”

She said, “Oh, I miss you, too! But we’ll get together soon. You can come down to the park, and we’ll get an ice cream cone at McDonald’s.”

I replied, “Yes, that will be fun.” But then the tears started, and I had to use every ounce of control to keep my voice even so she wouldn’t know I was crying.

What I really meant was, “I miss being able to talk to you, Mom. I miss laying on the grass while my children make a hopscotch and savoring our long phone conversations. I miss you remembering all those secrets I used to tell you. I miss you asking me if I’m okay. I miss seeing you read books and hearing you sing while you do the dishes and having you drive out to my house without getting lost. I miss you remembering how much I need you.”

My mother didn’t specialize in home decor or gourmet cooking, and she didn’t lift weights or run marathons. But she makes me feel like I am the most important, wonderful person ever born. If I could pick any mother in the whole world, it would be my mom.

There’s something deeper going on in family life than can ever be expressed on a social network. Whatever it is we feel we are lacking, can we collectively decide–as deliberate mothers–that we are not going to sit around feeling discouraged about all the things we’re not?

Can we remind each other that it is our uniqueness and love that our children long for? It is our voices. Our smiles. Our jiggly tummies. Of course we want to learn, improve, exercise, cook better, make our homes lovelier, and provide beautiful experiences for our children, but at the end of the day, our children don’t want a discouraged, stressed-out mom who is wishing she were someone else.

If you ever find yourself looking in the mirror at a woman who feels badly that she hasn’t yet made flower-shaped soap,

please offer her this helpful reminder: “Your children want you!”

QUESTION: How do you keep the right perspective on your importance to your family–in the midst of so many ideas and temptations to compare yourself with others?

CHALLENGE: Recognize any tendencies you might have to get wrapped up in discouragement, and set up a regular way to remind yourself that your children want you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Super Easy Sidewalk Chalk Paint

Now that the weather is starting to turn, the folks at BHF thought this super easy sidewalk chalk paint would provide a fun way to spend the afternoon!

This popular recipe can be found on numerous sites, each with their own slight twist. We used the recipe and advice from a favorite parenting blog:

"We made some SUPER easy Sidewalk Chalk Paint the other day when the summer “boredom” hit. We simply took 1/4 cup of cold water and mixed in a 1/4 cup of cornstarch. Then we added a **small** amount of food coloring to give it a little bit of color.

*Do not add a lot of food coloring…after washing the green paint off the sidewalk, I noticed it left a very light stain behind…so use food coloring at your own risk!*

Due to the rough nature of the concrete, we recommend using cheap paint paintbrushes rather than sponge brushes!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Power of Language

Numerous studies point to the positive impacts and benefits of raising a bilingual child. In fact, a record number of children in the United States are now proficient in two or more languages. Today's post highlights the story of one Wallowa County mother and her journey as she exposes her daughter to both English and her native language, French.

Eve-line's Story

As a bilingual and native French speaker I always grew up with the idea that my children would also be bilingual. I actually only learned French until the age of five when English was introduced to be in little doses at first and more as I became more proficient.

As soon as I learned that I was pregnant, I started to research the best ways to teach French to my child. I had the fear at the time that if I introduced two languages to my daughter at a too young age, I might confuse her and affect her ability to communicate. I wanted to find the best way of teaching her French while English would be her first language. To my amazement I found all the encouragement that I needed on the internet to start the process much earlier than expected. Most of the articles that I read encourage parents to talk to their kids in both languages from birth. Their little brains are perfectly able to learn and distinguish between the two languages and they are able to learn them right away.
In fact, from ages 0-9 months, babies have the abilities to hear and absorb all of the languages known to man. After 9 months their brains start to focus and specialize on the sounds that surround them and they focus and specialize on the languages of their close ones.

It is thus important to stay consistent and expose the baby to the second language as much as possible. Research shows that bilingual kids have some interesting advantages. senior researcher Diane Poulin-Dubois, a psychology professor at Concordia University and associate director of the Centre for Research in Human Development found that bilingual toddlers had a better ability to stay focused at a task even when intentionally distracted. She states:"Exposing toddlers to a second language early in their development provides a bilingual advantage that enhances attention control." Other advantages include the ability to learn new words easily, use information in new ways, enhanced ability to come up with solutions to problems, good listening skills and enhanced ability to connect with others (American speech-Language-hearing Association)

So although sometimes I struggle because it can be tiring to constantly switch from one language to another and although my daughter tends to speak more English than French, I try my best to keep communicating with her in another language hoping that latter on, she will thank me for it.

Here are some great resources for raising a bilingual child.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

You Have the Power!

During the month of April, the Oregon Nutrition Council encourages you to turn off the TV and find fun, family alternatives to screen time. Here are 5 easy suggestions they have to get your family off the couch a little more each day!

1. Be a good role model

Eat healthy food, be active, and limit how much TV you watch.

2. Choose when the television is on
Limit TV time and stick to it!

3. Keep TV’s out of kids’ bedrooms
It’s too hard to know what they’re watching and when it’s on.

4. Turn off the TV during meals
Focus meal time on talking with each other.

5. Get active!
Get your kids moving! Go for a walk, turn on the music and dance, give them
chores… the activities are endless!

How much TV should kids watch?
∙ 2 years and younger: none
∙ Older than 2 years: no more than 2 hours a day